Do #BlackLivesMatter .... then Prove It!

Did you know that less than 3% of the African American community donate blood?

I didn't!! I  knew the numbers were low but never could I have imagine it being that low!  I invited my cousin April to share here on why we need to  Prove that #BlackLivesMatter!!!

April Shares:

We have too many myths regarding donating blood, donating organs and bone marrow.
There are thousands of African Americans in need of transplants of some sort.
My daughter just happens to need a bone marrow transplant.
For those of you that may not understand how serious this is, it's life threatening. She could die.
My goal for writing this letter isn't just to help my daughter. It's potentially to help your daughter, sister, wife, mother, brother, aunt, uncle, father, cousin and friend.
As of most recent, I became aware as to the importance to raise awareness in the Black community as to the importance of donating blood, bone marrow and organs.
Often times, we really don't hold a thought as to the risks we take from a day to day basis. Driving in a car, playing a sport, diet, even genetics.
I recently read an article that stated "About 90,000 to 100,000 in the United States suffer from sickle cell disease, mostly African-Americans. These patients- most of whom are children- need to undergo regular blood transfusions. Often, they develop antibodies to the blood they receive, leading to potentially life - threatening transfusion reactions. But if they can receive blood that's more closely matched to their own, that risk is minimized. And the best matches are found among other African-Americans."
(Source cited: Blood Centers of the Pacific copyright 2015- site by NetRaising)
I know you're probably thinking " why'd she site about sickle cell anemia." Well, that's just one of the many illnesses/diseases that plague our community. Also it explains perfectly as to the risks that are involved when we receive blood by another racial group.
We also are affected by Lupus, Leukemia, High Blood pressure, Diabetes, Aplastic Anemia and several others.
We as African Americans have a more severe threat of fatality because our percentile in which we donate blood, organs, bone marrow is alarmingly low.
I never in a million years thought I would be campaigning to get more African Americans to donate blood, let a lone asking them to donate bone marrow and organs.
But here I am, faced with this arduous task in informing and enlightening our community as a whole.
For those who may feel this article doesn't pertain to them, think again.
Just because you may not be in need of a bone marrow transplant, does not mean that you later on may not be in need of a blood transfusion.
And in either case your odds are still dangerous given the fact that most Americans who do donate overwhelming outrank the African American community.
With that being said, we've got to do better as a community.
Please let's do this together. Not just for the sake of my child but for the sake of our children, our community.
#Black lives Matter!
Here's what you can do to help:
  • Give /Donate Blood
  • Contact your local Red Cross Ask your Red Cross blood technician/ nurse and or your family physician how easily you can donate bone marrow.
  • Check off the box on your drivers license to donate organs!

Save your loved ones today by simply giving! Raise the percentile of African Americans that donate blood thereby increasing our chances of survival!
#Black lives matter!

More importantly, Do Your OWN RESEARCH and SEE the STATS! They don't lie. Sooner or later, we all will be faced with some sort of great circumstance that may cause us to reach out or within the community.

Does my Black life matter?

How about my daughters black life?

       It certainly does to me!

Awareness and Knowledge are key, please pass along and share!
Light & Love
April Ray©

Feel free to check out her message in video: 
