2014 Summer in Huntsville Series

Huntsville has been my adopted home for over 7 years now and I am discovering new things to love everyday! Groups like Downtown Huntsville Inc,  Lowe's Mill and The Arts Council have made finding something to do this summer a breeze! Throughout the week you can find events from free or low cost concerts, food truck events and festivals that you can enjoy with your kids, friends and pets too.

June 1st, my Summer in Huntsville  series will begin! I will share events around the city and take you with me as I enjoy them! We will explorer local restaurants, concerts, hotels, and of course meet new people.  You can join my adventures by following the hashtags #SummerinHSV and #MslawandaHSV on Instagram/Twitter , updates on Facebook/Google+  and here on the blog.

There will be giveaways along the way so I hope to have a fun summer and I hope you will join me!

Do you have some fun local summer plans? Share them! 
